Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Final: Statement Of Your Specialty

 My specialty consists mainly of modeling and acting. I enjoy so much to walk down the runway and show off my skills as far as what certain photographers want to see. It is very important for me to utilize my skills as a model. I am very good at walking down the runway. I also have a very distinct and unique look that I am proud to say makes me special and separates me from other models. I also love to act. I feel like the two different specialties are what drives me to this certain way of life. I am not scared to be me front of people and am very intelligent when it comes to making people happy and giving a client what they want and need. My favorite part of my special skills is that I can use all of my skills to help me do what I want to do and what I love to do."Brand experience is how the audience reacts to a brand at any contact point, and it is the basis of consumer dialogue with the brand." Davis & Baldwin page.162  I feel that as long as I continue to progress my skills I will soon be able to showcase my talent and actually be able o do the things that I love to do. Also it is very important for me to gain more knowledge about my craft. I know that with a couple more years of practice that I will be able to fully and very seriously peruse my all time dream of being a supermodel and a well-known actress. I will always keep striving to become everything that I want to be. My look is unique and I am more than capable of making a big impact of the world of modeling and acting. I love to do these things and I know that I am able to get better at every step of the way. "Some companies will plot their marketing mix on a simple graph to see if it overlaps either with a competitor or, more seriously, with one of their own products." Davis & Baldwin page.160

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